Directory Structure

This is very important part of understand the file structure of codeigniter project.

Now, it is a image of codeigniter project.


Application : In application folder, this is the directory that will contain all logics of your web application. All of your web application code will be contained in this directory. 

System : This folder contains the framework core files.

user_guide : This directory contains the user manual for codeigniter.


In Application Folder

Now, it is a image of application folder directory.


cache : store cached files.

config : In this config directory, you can manage all configuration file and database connection.

controller : All application controllers are defined in this controller.

core : It contains core classes that extend system files.

helpers : It is the collections of related functions (not classes) that do repetitive tasks (arrays, strings etc).

hooks : It is used for custom hooks.

language : It is userd to store language files for applications that use more than one language.

libraries : The library is a class with functions or methods that allows creating an instance of that class.

logs : Application log files are kept in this directory.

models : All database logics shold be defined in this directory.

third_party : This is used for custom many packages that tou or other developers have created.

views : It is the information that is presented in front of users. It can be a part of pages or complete webpage


How to download codeigniter file

Step 1 : Go to google and search

Step 2 : Click on download in menu.

Step 3 : Download the codeigniter 3.1.11 is the current version of framework.

Step 4 : Create Project name folder in htdocs folder in  C drive ( Path : C:\xampp\htdocs ).

Step 5 : Extract Codeigniter file in Project Folder.

Step 6 : Run your codeigniter project on browser ( Link : http://localhost/project/ )


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Codeigniter tutorial for beginners

In this project. We are providing you, how to create small project in Codeign....

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