Login with Database

In this tutorial, Is user existed in database. If yes, so it will send you to dashboard other it will show invalid credentials.


Step 1 : Go to your databse (ci_project) and create table (login) in database or run this sql query in your database.

eg :

CREATE TABLE `ci_project`.`login` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL , `pass` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;


Step 2 : Insert users record in login table.

INSERT INTO `login` (`id`, `name`, `pass`) VALUES (NULL, 'elevenstech', '1234567'), (NULL, 'kailash_singh', '1234567')


Step 3 : In this code, we are passing user details to login model to check user existed or not in databse, if user exist then create a user session and send to dashboard, if not then it will show invalid credentials.

eg :

class Login extends CI_Controller {
	public function index()




			//get user details in variables
			$user = $this->input->post('uname');
			$pass = $this->input->post('password');
            //here i am creating a login model

			// In this line, we are passing user details to login model to check user existed or not in databse
			$login = $this->login_model->login_data($user, $pass);

				//if user exist then create a user session and send to dashboard
				return redirect('dashboard');
				//if not, then it will show invalid credentials.
				echo'Invalid credentials';




Step 4 : Create Login Model ( Login_model.php ) in Model folder. In this model, we are going to check user exist in database or not. If user exist then it will return the user's ID otherwise return False.

eg : 

Code : 

class Login_model extends CI_Model 
	public function login_data($user, $pass)
		//here i am fetching data from login table using where condition
		$query = $this->db->where(['name'=>$user,'pass'=>$pass])

		//get total number of rows
		if($query->num_rows() == 1)

			// return user id if user existed in login table
			return $query->row()->id;
			// return false if user doen not existed in login table
			return FALSE;





Result :

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Codeigniter tutorial for beginners

In this project. We are providing you, how to create small project in Codeign....

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