Validation on Login

In this tutorial, we are going to create validation on login page. When you submit login form.


Step 1 : Load helper file in Login Controller.

Helper : It is a simply a collection of functions in a particular category. Each helper function performs one specific task. Codeigniter does not load helper files by default, so the first step in using a helper is to load it.


class Login extends CI_Controller {
	public function index()
		// here i am loading helper file, which is perform a specific task





 Now, also change form code in login page in views folder.

<?php echo form_open('login'); ?>

    <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'username','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=> 'Enter Username']); ?>

    <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'password','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=> 'Enter Password']); ?>

    <?php echo form_submit(['name'=>'submit','class'=>'btn btn-primary','value'=> 'Login']); ?>



Step 2 : Create form validation on login form submit. for login validation, we are using form_validation library in Login controller.


class Login extends CI_Controller {
	public function index()

		// here i am loading library file




Now, we are adding a form_validation code in login controller to check form value is blank or not.

class Login extends CI_Controller {
	public function index()

		// here i am loading library file

		//here i am adding a rule. If you are not fill the value then it will show the error.


		//Check validation success or not




Step 3 : Now here we will write the code for the warning message, if the user submits without filling the field the they will see the warning message.


<?php echo form_open('login') ?>

  <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'uname','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=> 'Enter Username']); ?>
  //here i am showing. Please fill your username
  <?php echo form_error('uname','<p class="text-danger">','</p>'); ?> 

  <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'password','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=> 'Enter Password']); ?>
  //here i am showing. Please fill your password
  <?php echo form_error('password','<p class="text-danger">','</p>'); ?>

  <?php echo form_submit(['name'=>'submit','class'=>'btn btn-primary','value'=> 'Login']); ?>



Result :

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Codeigniter tutorial for beginners

In this project. We are providing you, how to create small project in Codeign....

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