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how to send dynamic value in email

Posted 28 Jan, 2021 By umair saleem

how to send dynamic value in email ....

1 Answer     593 Views    

Email sending isssue

Posted 27 Jan, 2021 By umair saleem

Im not able to send  mail  ....

1 Answer     561 Views    

Hamberger menu is always visible

Posted 26 Jan, 2021 By Manisha Dubey

I added a hamberger menu while making html page responsive just like all other menus but I'm ....

1 Answer     607 Views    

I'm not able to &::before, &::after property to insert pseudo elements

Posted 10 Jan, 2021 By Manisha Dubey

&::before, &::after property isn't working when I want to insert pseudo elements in h....

1 Answer     610 Views    

HTML cards are sticking to the right while making a responsive web page

Posted 09 Jan, 2021 By Manisha Dubey

While I was trying to make a html page resposive I faced a issue where my all the cards didn'....

1 Answer     599 Views    

Mysql Database Connection in PHP

Posted 18 Dec, 2020 By Vipul Patel

<?php define('DB_SERVER', "localhost"); d....

1 Answer     627 Views    
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