Project Tutorials
Introduction of Laravel Setup and Installation of Laravel Project Laravel Structure Create Login Page Design Validation on Login Login with Database Display Username after Login Logout Register Design Dashboard Page Add Product List Products from Database Edit product from database Active Inactive user statusSetup and Installation of Laravel Project
In this tutorial, i am going to teach you how to install laravel project.
Step 1 : You will open the browser and search
Step 2 : Now we will go to the documentation page and select there version 5.8
Path : Clcik here to get the 5.8 version of laravel
Step 3 : Before installing the laravel you have to install composer bacause lavavel utilizes composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using lavavel, make sure you have composer installed on your machine (Computer or Laptop).
Now open your command prompt ( CMD )
and then enter the command to install the Composer.
composer global require laravel/installer
Step 4 : In this step, we will check composer is installed or not with the help of command.
If you get something like this after running this command, it means that your composer is successfully installed.
Step 5 : Now we will open the C drive and open the xampp folder in it, then open the htdocs folder and then we will open CMD on that route.
Step 6 : Now in this step, we will create laravel project with the help of the command
composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel_project 5.8
After your project creation has been completed then go to your project with the help of command.
eg : cd Project_Name
cd laravel_project
Step 7 : Now use the command to run your laravel project.
eg : php artisan serve
Now, use this link to run your laravel project on browser
eg : http://localhost:8000/
Result :

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Small Laravel Project
In this project. We are providing you, how to create small project in Laravel....
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