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SQL - Total Orders Count According to Date

Kailash Singh

SQL - Total Orders Count According to Date

Published Feb 19,2023 by Kailash Singh

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In this tutorial, we are going to teach you, how to show order count according to dates using SQL.


Example: You have a table of order records. Inside the table you have different types of status records. LIKE: placed, confirm, dispatch, delivered, failed and cancel. 

Table view: 

SQL - Total Orders Count According to Date


SQL Query: 

In this query, we are using DATE() function. Because, the DATE() function returns a value that represents the date part of the datetime_expression. It returns a date value in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

For example, if the datetime_expression is '2023-02-19 15:30:45', the DATE() function would return '2023-02-19'.

 DATE(added_on) AS order_date,
 count(order_id) as total_order, 
 sum(if(status=1,1,0)) as placed, 
 sum(if(status=2,1,0)) as confirm, 
 sum(if(status=3,1,0)) as dispatch, 
 sum(if(status=4,1,0)) as delivered, 
 sum(if(status=5,1,0)) as failed, 
 sum(if(status=6,1,0)) as cancel 
Group By 



SQL - Total Orders Count According to Date

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