How to Install Laravel 7

Kailash Singh

How to Install Laravel 7

Published Jul 29,2022 by Kailash Singh

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Laravel is a free open-source web development framework that follows the Model view controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

It uses Composer to manage its dependencies.

In this tutorial, I show step by step how you can install Laravel 7 on your Windows system.


Server (System) Requirments:

  • PHP >= 7.2.5
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Download and Install Composer:

1. What is composer?

Composer is a tool which incudes all the dependencies and libraries. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. To study more about composer.  Click here - Composer

  • Download Composer-Setup.exe from here.
  • Run the downloaded file.


Step 1: Click Next


Step 2: Browser the php.exe location and Click Next


Step 3: Click Next


Step 4: Click Install


Step 5: Click Finish


Step 6: we will check composer is installed or not with the help of command.

If you get something like this after running this command, it means that your composer is successfully installed.


2. Create Project

  • Open Command Prompt and navigate to xampp/htdocs/ directory.
  • Execute  composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 {project-name}  & Enter the name of your project in the place of {project-name} e.g. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 laravel_project.
  • This will download and install the Laravel 7.


3. Now use the command to run your laravel project.

eg : php artisan serve

Now, use this link to run your laravel project on browser

eg : http://localhost:8000/


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