User Management and Role Base Access Control System Using Codeigniter

Kailash Singh

User Management and Role Base Access Control System Using Codeigniter

Published Jan 02,2022 by Kailash Singh

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In this tutorial we are providing you user management and role base access control system using codeigniter.


How To Use?

1) Create project folder name (elevenstech_access_role_codeigniter) in your htdocs folder. 


2) Download and extract complete code in your project folder.


3) Create database (elevenstech_access_role_codeigniter) in phpmyadmin database. 


4) Import database file in your created database. And then you will get 4 tables of data in your database.

Like this: 


5) Run your project on your browser.

eg: http://localhost/elevenstech_access_role_codeigniter/


Now setup is complete of your User Management and Role Base Access Control System Codeigniter project.

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