Generate Barcode Using Javascript

Kailash Singh

Generate Barcode Using Javascript

Published Jan 10,2023 by Kailash Singh

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In this post, we are going to teach you, how to Generate Barcode Using Javascript.

Now we are going to use JsBarCode Library to generate the barcode


Step 1: Insert CDN link of Js Bar Code library.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/JsBarcode.all.min.js"></script>


Step 2: Create Input field and button to generate the barcode.

<label>Enter Text: </label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="barcodetext" placeholder="Type Here..."><br>
<button class="btn btn-info" type="button" onclick="generateNow();" id="generate-now">Generate</button>

Now you can see that we have created an on Click function in generate button. With the help of this function, we will generate the barcode.


Step 3: Write JavaScript code to generate the barcode.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function generateNow() {
     var text = document.getElementById("barcodetext").value;
        alert('Please Enter Text');
        JsBarcode("#barcode", text, {
          width: 3


Step 4: In this step, we are showing the barcode with the help ID. You can see, in the third step, we have passed the ID (#barcode) to show the result of barcode.

<svg id="barcode"></svg>


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